Our web design company in Limerick is thrilled to see how successful Sealed with Irish Love has been in the press. We launched Máire McKeogh’s website in Limerick last November. I’m loving the note books at the moment – Thank you Máire!
This little fellow is the inspiration behind the brand Oscars & Co! Oscar was in his element getting his picture taken for the website by the amazingly talented photographer David Olsthoorn.
Castletroy Cabs, the most established taxi company in Limerick asked us to rebrand the company and develop their new website. The home page form connects to their new taxi application that will soon be launched onto the limerick cab scene soon. The Application allows users to book and track their taxi from their phone. Castletroy
We were approached by Breda Stack The Declutter Therapist and founder of National Declutter Day to help rebrand her business. Champion of ‘Declutter to feel good’, Breda takes a unique approach to decluttering in Ireland. Her mission is to teach and motivate you to declutter so you can break free from overwhelm and enjoy a simpler, happier life.
Our web design company in Limerick were asked to brand and develop a website for Oscars & Co barber shop. We also provided stationery, art direction, hosting and SEO. After meeting with Steve we got very excited about the project. He had very unique ideas for the barber shop. The use of materials from rough leather and